Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Rain, Rain, Go Away....

Come again when you can rain outside only!

We used to joke around that it rained more inside our future house than it did outside!

Sad, I know.

Here's a look back at the way the roof line and more specifically, the roof condition was in the beginning...

 From this angle in the pic above your can see how thick the fireplace was.

 The vault here in the sun room cam back into the main roof at mid point.  On the inside the main roof line actually went all the way down to the edge of the room.  So the sun room and it's full view/vaulted area were not actually visible from inside the main area of the house.
Here's a pic from the inside...

The hole you see in the photo above was a skylight or sorts, over the porch.  There was no roof over the porch on the other side.
 Because there was no porch roof on this side and this side faces South/Southwest...the really nice 8' sliding doors were shot.  As were the windows you see here on the right.  The wood framing was toast and had years of baking in the hot southern NM sun.
 The dogs thought it was hilarious to come inside and out on to the porch while I was in the bucket truck!!
Lilly took it upon herself to perch herself in a chair to pose....
And sometimes I found Dave sitting on the roof.... LOL

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