Saturday, April 12, 2014

The essentials of life: WATER - Part I

As I mentioned before the house had pipes (copper mostly) and was plumbed...sort of.

The toilet was precariously set and attached to the septic line.

The pipes were run under the crawlspace to areas unknown and there was a sink in the makeshift location set in a really nice cabinet base that matched the door leading into the bathroom.

But we had no running water.  Not sure if there ever really was running water here.  The rumors we heard from fellow colony neighbors was that they hauled water in, in 5 gallon buckets.  Mind you this wasn't 1960 either.  This was the 1980's by this point.

So it was time to tie into our well way down below us and run waterline to way up above us to get water to a holding tank.

Oh, did I mention there was no holding tank up there yet?   There's wasn't.

So we spent most of one day navigating our drive and part of the neighbors drive to reach the top edge of our property.

Navigating it in the tractor was the easy part.  There was a road.

Navigating it while holding a 3000 gallon holding tank.   Well, that was another story.

 It was so big it blocked the view of the tractor!

But it was possible with a Shiner in hand...

Dave's mom gave us a hand in moving it.... Everything was going well until he about rolled the tank over onto our heads!!

And we made it!  *Edit - I completely forgot that Dave had to cut the last 50 yards or so of road and create the level spot for the tank to sit on.  He cut it out, leveled it off, hauled in some base course, set the tank and then we buried around it 1/2 way up by hand with shovels.  Then we had to connect the lines, but that's for another post....
*edit -Oh, and as always: Jack was supervising:

soon, we would have water.....

...but it would be a long process trying to get it everywhere we need it and winterized before the first cold spell!

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